BA313 (Formerly AS403)
From Week 1: 8:15am - 5pm
From Week 1: 10am - 2pm
By appointment only. Contact David Stevens
BA313 (Formerly AS403)
From Week 1: 8:15am - 5pm
From Week 1: 10am - 2pm
By appointment only. Contact David Stevens
Online Contact For 24G and AS403
Contact Form
AS403: 9214 8101
24G: N/A. Please use the online contact form.
Wacom Pens
Contact David Stevens (ATC521)
Digital Media Production Borrowing FAQ
Equipment for Donation to Students - Catalogue
Equipment for Donation to Students - Request Form
24G 8am-6pm
15 minute parking: Outside 24G building
30 minutes parking: Loading bays outside 18G
1 hour parking (free): Burwood Road (Note: this is a tow-away zone after 4:30pm)
2 hour parking (free): William Street
All day parking (paid): Next to 24G and IS, enter via Henry Street
Our terms and conditions have been updated to reflect recent changes to booking processes and open hours. These can be viewed in the policies section below.
The AS Level 4 mediastore has temporarily moved across to BA313 and BA311 for semester 1 due to forthcoming renovations. Not all equipment has been carried over and certain spaces and studios will be shut down once construction starts along with new timetable scheduling for classes. Make sure to check on canvas and your student emails regularly for updates.
The BA313 mediastore will be reopening for Semester 1 on Monday, March 3rd. Open times will be made official once classes start. Ensure that your student ID is ready for staff when collecting bookings; you can get it printed directly from StudentHQ if you have not yet received it.
How to edit, add to or update a booking before collection
You might be able to renew equipment for a little bit of extra time to your booking. This can be done by going into your 'active bookings' from the home page, selecting your booking and clicking 'renew booking'. This can only be done 2 hours before your return time.
Renewals are not guaranteed. If you can't renew, or can only renew for a short time, it means someone else has booked the gear and it must be returned at the originally scheduled time. Creating a new booking does not extend an existing booking.
Do not make back-to-back bookings. These will be deleted. This is to ensure fair access is maintained for all students.
Do not make multiple bookings for the same day. Instead, follow the guide above to update/edit a booking and add additional items if required. Multiple bookings will be deleted.